Text: John 5:2-9


Introduction: The best experience of open heavens comes to man when the king of heaven visits the earth. When that happens, incredible miracles do follow by the mercy of God.


Note that this is not going to be just another message – it is a specific word aimed at drawing you to the pool of God’s mercy where the helpless usually receive help. This morning, you shall receive help from the Lord, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.



The paralytic man in this story had labored under weakness for 38years. He could not move from point A to point B without help. He was absolutely hindered. He had desire but no strength. He saw what was happening for other people, but this disease had deprived him of the power necessary to get what he wanted and profit by means of the healing. Anywhere your rising is situated, God will empower you to get there, Amen.


This man’s lack of healing was not due to want of interest but want of means. He was infirm and had no strength to get into the water; he had no helper, no friend or relation who loved him enough to stand with him. He had become a vegetable. He was weakened, infirm and feeble by this long disease. The will to be healed was present, but no power to perform. From today, as you will your desires in line with God’s provision, power to perform shall be present in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


Now, at long last, after the touch of mercy, this same man was able to arise and walk. However, between the man and the miracle were two important factors: the pool and the angel.



Ordinarily, a pool as a body of water is a place to wash or to swim. Its water is always supplied from a fountain. In this particular case, the water possessed medicinal properties only when agitated or stirred. Again, it had five (5) porches or apartments attached to it where those who were awaiting the mercy of God could walk or rest pending the move of mercy. Those awaiting the mercy of God needed to abide under these porches.


These represent, in spiritual terms, shelters of righteousness so to say:

1). Salvation (Heb.2:14-15; 2Tim.1:9-10).

2). Holiness &Obedience (Heb.12:14; 1Sam.15:22; Deut.32:15).

3). Faith (Matt.11:12; John 11:40).

4). Commitment & Service (1Cor.15:58).

5). Love for God (Pr.8:17; Mk.12:30).



This was a significant visitor from heaven and the water was endured (or empowered) only after the periodic agitation by the angel. Note that nobody saw the angel physically, but they all judged by the effect/result that he did it. It was all by faith. After the agitation, the water became potent to heal any diseases – impotence, blindness, halting, withering dryness - and anyone who descended first into the water was healed. The water brought diverse healings; hence it was not only medicinal but also divine.



Those who got into the water showing faith in the mercy of God were healed. However, a far greater power exists in the person of Jesus Christ to make both the pool and the angel irrelevant in the world today. Jesus Christ is the all-time Help for the helpless and the living answer to all human needs.


Zechariah. 13:1- In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness.


John 9:7 - Go, wash in the pool of Siloam,


Genesis.49:10 - The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.


Praise God, Shiloh has come – Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He is our Bethesda, our house of mercy today. The miracle blood already flowed from His pierced side. He referred to Himself as a house (Joh 2:19). He is full of grace and truth.


Exodus.15:26 - I am the LORD that healeth thee.


Ezekiel.47:9 - for they shall be healed; and every thing shall live whither the river cometh.


Romans.5:6 - For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.


Jesus gave the impotent man strength. But how? By the spoken word. When he said ‘arise and walk’, He was imparting the needed strength into the paralytic man.



a). There is no disease (or situation) so old that Christ cannot cure (or tackle).

b). Whenever Jesus gives a command, he always gives strength to obey it.

c). The weak and the helpless should exert effort by acting out their faith in obedience.

d). Jesus always speaks with authority that compels result.

e). Jesus is only sure and authentic Help for the helpless.


Ps.72:12 - For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper. 




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Sunday, 21st August 2005

Text: 1Kings 17:1; 18:1, 41-46.


Introduction: This is for someone hearing or reading this message: your speck of blessing shall be distinctly visible. It shall become larger and larger with astonishing speed, till the whole cloud is black and bursts in a deluge of rain. This is the due time and the zeal of the Lord shall perform it in Jesus’ Name.


Anyone who has suffered from the effects of drought will never despise the rain or join hands to hinder its showers. It is God in His goodness that releases the rain from heaven and when He does, He empowers our fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness (Acts 14:17). Seed to Sowers and bread to Eaters also do come only by the power of rain (Is.55:10). No wonder God promises His people the certainty of the former and latter rain (Joel 2:23).


There is a sound of abundance of rain. The rain is coming certainly and speedily. This is a sure Word from the Lord, hence we all should give due attention to the pattern. No prophesy fulfills itself; fulfillment of prophesies come through compliance to the stipulated conditions.


1). Eat and Drink (v41): Take comfort from past losses, pains and challenges. Refresh yourself with God’s sure promises. Eat and drink as you renew and realign yourself with God’s covenant of plenty. Eating bread and drinking wine in the church certainly reminds us of the covenant.


2). Cast Yourself Down (v42): In humility before God. Be absorbed and engrossed in prayers for the fulfillment of the promises God made to you (see 18:1). He promised it, yet you must ask for it to be fulfilled (Zech.10:1). Many Christians never receives what rightly belongs to them or are robbed of their inheritance because they remain liturgical about the subject of prayer. Note, Elijah went up i.e. praying is soaring. He went to the top of Carmel, where he privately, ardently and sincerely poured out his heart in prayers to God his Maker and sure Help. Again, Elijah’s posture speaks of reverence, humility, earnestness and fervency in prayer which is typical of men who have right views of their God (Num.20:6; Jos.5:14; Zech.20:18).


Prayer is efficacious. It causes the hand of God to overrule events on the earth for good. The more praying there is in the world the better the world will be. Prayer is a disinfectant and a preventive. It purifies the air and destroys the contagion of evil. Prayer is a voice, which goes into God’s ear, and it lives as long as God’s ear is open to holy pleas.


God shapes the world by prayers. The mightiest successes that can ever come to us are created and carried on the wings of prayer. God conditions the prosperity of His cause on prayer. ‘Ask of Me’ is the one condition God puts in the very advance and triumph of His cause in our world and our destiny.

Prayer puts God in full force in our world. “Ask, and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened.” The strongest one in Christ’s kingdom is he who is the best knocker. The secret of success in Christ’s Kingdom is the ability to pray. The soul cannot prosper in the neglect of it. Our Great Jehovah still answers the prayers of faith. If we must receive, we must ask.


3). Go Up Now (v43): Elijah seems to be saying, ‘while I continue praying, I am still expectant… go and inspect for me’. He agreed with the style of David: ‘I will direct my prayer unto you, and will look up’ (Ps.5:3). You ought to constantly and diligently inspect what you expect – and that is true for every aspect of living.


4). Again 7-Times (v43): Never allow yourself to be dejected by any disappointment or delay. Never feel rejected but continue to wait upon the Lord perfectly, He still answers prayers (Lk.18:1). Remember: 6-down, 7-Up. In the scriptures, ‘seven times’ indicates perfection and completion, which are the usual demands of excellent miracles. Examples of this abound in the bible: cleansing of leprosy(Lev.4:6; 14:7), Demolishing Jericho’s wall(Jos.6:4), Naaman’s healing(2Kg.5:10). The vision shall still speak, God shall still avenge you, but pray patiently and persistently until something happens (Heb.2:3;  Lk.18:7;  Eph.6:18;  Heb.10:38).


5). A Little Cloud (v44): Great blessings often arise from small beginnings, and showers of plenty from a cloud of mean span. Never despise small manifestations of divine delight (Zech.4:10). He had used the many small things before to accomplish surprising results: a rod(Ex.4:2), a jaw-bone(Judges15:14-15), five smooth stones(1Sam.17:40), a handful of meal & little oil(1Kg.17:12), five loaves(Jn.6:9).


6). And there was A Great Rain (v45): The little cloud can actually become a mighty torrent of blessings if God is involved – a sudden swollen flood … creating an impassable path. Now, it is the power of God – the WIND - that enables Him to use weak instruments to accomplish great results. Mind God and the wonder will surely come to pass in the meanwhile’.


The biggest problem with most of us is that we are never willing to allow the clouds to form before we expect them to pour the rain upon the earth. It is part of the due process: If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth (Eccl.11:3).


Conclusion: We are informed that Elijah outran Ahab. Normally, if Ahab had accorded Elijah the honor he deserved, he would have carried him in his chariot. But what a wonderful God that we serve, He know how well to confirm His Words! He caused Elijah to come under a peculiar influence and a mighty power that he overtook the king upon the horse – that the king might respect, fear and honor Elijah. Every step that Elijah took was like one mile. By the reason of the grace you have received today, you will outrun those who ran ahead of you, even those upon horses, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. All those who thought you amount to nothing will change their mind.   




Text: Genesis 26:1-6, 12-22


Introduction: There is room enough on earth for all men to shine and be fruitful; only that not all men have located the paths that lead there. The sky is big enough to accommodate all flying birds.


Naturally, several significant chapters make up the stories of any great destiny. And the men that will be celebrated on this shores must, first and foremost, trust the hands of Providence to give them solid mold through the necessary phases of life.


God is referred to as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; yes, and it will be highly profitable for us to learn what these men passed through before they qualified for such a striking reference with God. In the Genesis account above, we found certain prominent chapters in the life of Isaac, which proffers needful instructions for us saints of today. Without doubt, there is room enough for all, but we must wait for our clouds to be full of rain before they empty themselves upon our lives(Ecc.11:3).


1. Isaac In Adversity at Gerar

Isaac had just replaced Abraham as heir of God’s covenant upon the earth, and guess what – famine ‘rushed’ to welcome him. This created for him an adverse condition of great dearth and dryness.


Understand, though, that famine, drought and insufficiency are not new phenomena upon the earth (Gen.12:1-2). See, to experience a problem is not the issue; knowing how to come out of it and overcome is the important matter.


Isaac had been trained in believing dependence upon the Lord from childhood. Remember he once spent some harrowing moments at the jaws of death. That experience at Mount Moriah had put its stamps upon him and taught him that the Lord’s salvation is only available to a man of patience submission to the will of God. But what do you expect to think of the promises when even the Promised Land will not find him bread? So, he made moves to help himself out of this circumstance of famine – he went unto Gerar. Gerar at this time was a land of the Phillistines – the terrorist.


Here, Isaac had the following in abundance: (a) Famine, (b) Confusion, (c) Change of abode, (d) Trials and fears occasioning sins – lies and even denial of his wife. Note: fact is a daughter of time; in time it will come out. But even then, God still visited him with comfort and direction.


2. Isaac In Amply Supply

Yes, this is the condition we refer to in the world, most of the time, as prosperity. Yes, it was as a result of the blessing of God (v12). We are informed that: (a)Isaac reaped a hundred-fold return i.e. 100times what he sowed. (b)Waxed great. (c) Went forward. (d)Grew and became very great. (e)His flock increased. (f)He had a great store of servants etc.


Please note here that there are perils and pitfalls even of prosperity at this stage:

Envy – the Phillistines envied him. Naturally, the more you have in this world, the more you are envied and exposed to censor and injury. Contention (i.e Esek v20). Hatred (i.e. Sitnah v21). Strive and hostility, Jealousy and expulsion (v16).


It is in the very nature of worldly acquisitions – they make room for hatred and they occasion strive. Great helps can actually attract great envy. It is only by the mercy of God that a man will have plenty of water without strive. And that mercy of God is abundantly available in Rehoboth. We all shall get there in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Note also that 1000-times fold blessing and more is available (Deut.1:11). That is Rehoboth kind of prosperity. It surpasses a 100-fold blessing or prosperity.




3. Isaac In Rehoboth Prosperity


Isaac had gone through several stages of life. He was born into the covenant, yet he had experienced the associate power of evil within its borders. In serious trials and great difficulties Isaac met fear and contention for what rightly belonged to him, then hatred and rejection - now at last, a LARGE ROOM. Isaac, at this point, just truly returned to the place, the real place where God had fixed the mark of his portion. Where God has I stock for you, you will certainly get there in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. YOU WILL GET TO THE REAL PLACE IN JESUS’ NAME. AMEN.


In Rehoboth, Isaac dwelt in peace; there was no strife. He went up and was going up and up to the point that even his enemies, the Phillistines, recognized the strong hands of the LORD upon his life and sought him out for his favour (24-29).


4. The Turning Point & the Invisible Hands


There is always a defining moment in every destiny, a time when even those who knew you small will arise to celebrate with you. This is a time when all eyes that see well will recognize that you have eventually become unstoppable. At such times, definitely, it is the mercy of God at work and there is nothing anybody can do about it. See, God always completes whatever He begins – there is no abandoned project with Him. Hence, you will arrive at Rehoboth and the God of glory will carry you through Amen. Meanwhile, there are invisible hands that turn on the hinges of destiny. Upon these do the realities of our Rehoboth experience belong:


a). Divine Appearance (v2): This will generate divine intervention for us; whenever He shows up,  He comes to get involved in our affairs to help us.


b). The Word (v2): Most times when He appears He speaks to direct, instruct, guide, edify, encourage and comfort.

Go not down into Egypt; dwell in the land: Never go down to Egypt – going to Egypt is going down. You shall never go down. God still directs His people even in trials. Count it all joy even in trial – it may turn out to be a necessary passage to largeness (James 1:2-4). God knows how best to lead you because only He knows what is is best for you in your peculiar situation. To Jacob - go to Egypt(Gen.46:3-4). To Isaac – go not it will become your going down. Unto Abraham, God gave liberty to choose.

Sojourn in the land that I will shew thee: This connotes a sense of systematic guidance.

And I will be with thee, and will bless thee: What an encouragement and comfort!


c). Obedience: Isaac dwelt in the land ….he sowed (v6,12). Beloved, you will be firmly held and helped by the hands of destiny when you are obedient. To obey is better….to disobey is as the sin of witchcraft(1Sam.15:22-23; Ex.22:18). Believers, dwell in the Word and in your prophetic heritage as saints. Sow also into the covenant land of peace. Most certainly, there is a great blessing for the obedient(v12).


d). Isaac chose to be a man of peace (v16 & 17). Isaac was a gentle and peaceful man. Those that follow peace shall, sooner or later, shall see God in action (Heb.12:14).


e).  Father Figure: Isaac stood on the shoulder of father Abraham and was blessed for Abraham’s sake (v24). This position he oiled regularly by sticking to the ancient landmark (v18; Pr.22:28) and by speaking same thing with Abraham (v18; Ex.7:2; Jer1:17; 5:14 ).


f). Prayer and Fervor: Isaac Minded God and was a man of prayer (v25).


g). Persistency: Isaac persisted. He dug again and again. Whatever brought you Bible gain, do it again. There is a great mine in the land of the covenant. Never mind whatever any man or any devil will do for you, dig again. You will strike RehobothEnlargement, Room Enough, by the power of He who is more than enough in the precious Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.




This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.